01543 414 126 info@houghandco.co.uk

Landlord & Tenant Dilapidations

Lease Covenants

If you are taking an FRI (full repairing and insuring) lease you are typically responsible for all repairs to the demise.

The binding lease will have expressed covenants stating your obligations and liabilities to fulfil.

Hough & Co. can provide you with advice on the lease liabilities.

Landlord & Tenant Dilapidations

Schedule of Condition & Photographic Record

A Schedule of Condition is a detailed ‘snapshot’ of the demise prior to commencement of the lease term.

It can be used to limit a Tenants liability and save costly negotiations for dilapidation repairs at the end of the lease, which would most certainly out way the initial cost of having one prepared.

Schedule of Dilapidations

We can prepare a detailed Schedule of Dilapidations in accordance with the lease. This is a document prepared by us, describing the current condition of the building and setting out the work we consider necessary to bring it back into repair. The tenant may dispute part or the entire schedule, particularly if the lease is subject to a Schedule of Condition, and surveyors acting for both parties will negotiate to reach an agreed scope of work.

If the lease is still running (an Interim Schedule of Dilapidations) the work will be organised by the Tenant’s surveyor and checked by the Landlord’s surveyor.

If the lease has expired (a Terminal Schedule of Dilapidations) the two surveyors will negotiate a financial settlement to allow the landlord to repair the building ready for the next tenant.

Hough & Co. take instructions from both Landlords and Tenants and negotiate either a financial settlement or agree the scope of works necessary to terminate the lease agreement.

Schedule of Dilapidations Liability

A Schedule can be prepared for accounting purposes to set aside suitable expenditure to deal with the dilapidation requirements in accordance with the lease. 

License for Alterations

Appointments are generally carried out on behalf of Landlords to review a Tenant’s proposal for adaptation and fitting out of buildings in order to comply with the lease documentation.  Upon vacation of the demise at lease expiry a further inspection will identify reinstatement liabilities under the terms of the license previously granted.

Phone Number

 01543 414 126

Hough & Co. LTD

5 St Johns Street,
WS13 6NU

Company Reg No: 05284951
Registered in England & Wales

Hough & Co Ltd