01543 414 126 info@houghandco.co.uk

Schedule of Condition

Schedule of Condition

Schedule of Condition evidence the condition of premises prior to entering into a tenancy. Used to limit tenant’s repairing, re-instatement and sometimes redecoration obligations by agreement with the landlord, these can be extremely valuable documents at lease expiry in limiting a potential claim for dilapidations.

With our knowledge of property defects, we are able to produce robust and factual documents for inclusion by solicitors within a tenancy agreement whilst taking your final Dilapidation Claim into consideration.

Schedules of Conditions

Phone Number

 01543 414 126

Hough & Co. LTD

5 St Johns Street,
WS13 6NU

Company Reg No: 05284951
Registered in England & Wales

Hough & Co Ltd